Breaking News About Seat Fillers
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Breaking News About Seat Fillers
OTL Seat Fillers are Everywhere!

As I’m about to share breaking news about seat fillers, I have a question for you.
When you hear the term seat filler, what kind of image does it conjure?
I’m going to venture a guess that you’re thinking about awards shows and how some lucky people, aka seat fillers, get to fill in for Beyonce, George Clooney, or Benedict Cumberbatch when they need to vacate their seats for a shot time.
Breaking News for Seat Fillers and Local Businesses
In 2020, though, there’s a whole new kind of seat filler, a community seat filler, an OTL seat filler.
I’ve got breaking news about seat fillers that may interest you, as someone who’s looking for something to do. Or, maybe you have a show or a business that you’d like to introduce to new patrons, in which case, the breaking news is for you too!

It Started with Seat Fillers on the Las Vegas Strip
I, along with my family and friends, started the OTL (On the List) Seat Fillers Club more than seven years ago. It was an offshoot of a club in Las Vegas. However, we quickly learned that there’s nowhere else like Las Vegas.
It doesn’t matter when you hit the strip; you’ll always have your pick of the same kinds of shows like Cirque du Soleil, comedy, variety, burlesque, and headlining musicians.
Now, local seat fillers aren’t filling seats for someone else in Las Vegas; they’re filling them, period. A venue appreciates a bigger audience. Even if seat fillers aren’t paying for tickets, they’re adding to the atmosphere and buying food, beverages, and merchandise.
Community Seat Fillers Across the US and in London
Taking the same concept into other locations is a bit trickier. Events come and go in other places, even though short-run shows still benefit from their partnerships with the OTL Seat Fillers club. So, one week Atlanta seat fillers may have tickets to a play or musical, and San Francisco members may be heading out to the premier comedy club.
It’s slightly different, but it still works. Or, at least it was rolling until COVID-19 hit, and everything changed.
So, where are we now, and what is the breaking news about OTL Seat Fillers?
Seat Fillers Now Have Different Roles
Like restaurants that have switched gears to delivery-only, and instruction that’s moved from classrooms to virtual classrooms, the OTL Seat Fillers club is evolving as well.
Here’s what we’ve come up with to keep our win-win concept going for members and partners.
Private posting of virtual events – opening the door to partners privately offering free online opportunities to seat fillers.
Expanding from show venues to all venues – classes, gym memberships, manicures, massages, nail and hair services, golf, bowling, escape rooms, movie theatres, travel, and more.
Introducing “seat fillers on-call” – as we’re now forming new partnerships that extend beyond the entertainment community, seat fillers on-call is a lower-priced membership (under 4.00 a month) that lets everyone be a part of OTL. On-call members won’t have as many opportunities. But if a national, international, or virtual partner comes aboard, then it’ll be open to both preferred and on-call seat fillers.
New content in the OTL City Guides – the City Guides site is for everyone and not just OTL Seat Fillers members. We’ve added US and UK events calendars with public in-person and online events and other things to do.

Breaking News About Seat Fillers Helping Local Businesses
The OTL Seat Fillers club is just one of the millions of small businesses that have been impacted by Coronavirus, and subsequent lockdowns and social distancing.
But for years, OTL has benefited members by providing free things to do each month for less than one movie ticket. And, additionally, OTL has assisted the arts and entertainment communities by offering the free and private service.
So, moving forward, the OTL Seat Fillers Club is now looking forward to providing free local marketing to all kinds of businesses. It’s a way to introduce your fantastic service or activity to new people, while actually getting them in the door. Seat fillers love shows, but they also appreciate all kinds of things to do and daily services.
How To Be an OTL Seat Filler
Being a seat filler is as easy as taking three minutes to pick out a membership and register. You’ll set up your username and password so that you can log in to the private OTL Seat Fillers member area and see what pops up along the way.
OTL has ten preferred locations with established partners. The ten busiest US cities include Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, San Francisco, Seattle, and Tampa Bay. Residents from everywhere else in the US can join as on-call seat fillers.
There’s also OTL in London, which has been filling seats for small theatres and other show venues, outside of the West End, for more than five years.
How to Partner With OTL Seat Fillers
While it’s effortless to be an OTL Seat Filler, it’s just as simple to become a partner of the club.
OTL’s entertainment and community marketing partners who privately offer free tickets and opportunities to seat fillers members, never pay anything. They submit the information for OTL to post, and then the invitation is displayed in the member area.
Promoters and marketers can find out more about the club or use handy submission forms on OTL’s promoter page.
Here’s How OTL Seat Filling Works:
- Promoters privately offer free tickets or extend other invitations to OTL
- OTL privately posts the tickets or opportunity in the members-only area
- Members reserve tickets or spaces (2 or 4 depending on membership plan)
- The reservation list is sent back to the theater, venue, or other contacts
- Members pick up tickets at the Box Office right before the curtain rises, or show up at a designated time for other types of opportunities
Non-ticketed Activities and Services
As OTL is expanding beyond traditional ticketed events, the reservation and redemption process for other types of opportunities can be customized accordingly.
It’s a Wrap On the Breaking News About Seat Fillers
The breaking news about seat fillers is that we’re here, and we’re in gear. And, we’re near you, as well as your theatre, club, salon, gym, classroom, arena, stadium, golf course, bowling alley, escape room, office, restaurant, showroom, hotel, resort, casino, and lounge!